Sunday, April 28, 2013

Selling Lemonade

We've all experienced those curveballs that life throws our way.  And when they occur, we are to find the silver know, the whole "make lemonade out of lemons" metaphor. Well, my most recent curveball happened last August when I was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes. (For people my age this diabetes is referred to as LADA.) My most noticeable symptom was unexplained weight loss.  Twenty-two pounds worth in about 2 months. I melted out of of my wardrobe. Not having hundreds of dollars at my disposal to buy all new clothes, I did what I do best - shopped for bargains and hit the thrift stores and consignment shops. I was able to outfit myself throughout the fall and winter for very little money. This need has made me an even savvier thrifter. I guess I was beginning to make "lemonade."

So now it's time to store the winter clothes and unpack the spring and summer wardrobe. Except I discover that last summer's clothes are useless to me.  Nothing fits. Sooooo I decided to consign these useless items and turn them into a bit of extra cash.

I like making lemonade, but I like selling lemonade even more.

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