Friday, April 26, 2013

Goodwill Hunting

Not the movie, the act of thrifting. The thrill of the hunt to find items that no one else wants and to make use of them once again. For pennies on the dollar. Dave Ramsey would approve of my budget-stretching measures.

Back in the day I would scour thrift stores for cream glazed pottery, plates with fruit hand painted on them, or play clothes for my toddlers. I loved old suitcases, too, and could snatch them for a few dollars each.  I would give my little ones a few quarters to buy some books to keep them happy while I searched.

Later on I became the primary shopper of props and costumes for our church's theater group.  I would zero in on vintage clothing, furniture, and household accessories. Finding that black rotary phone or the pink pillbox hat was great sport.  Those were my "trophies" of a successful hunt.

Now my search has expanded to things that my husband and I can rehab or repurpose.  I am the Goodwill hunter and he is the "fixer". Yes, I hate to admit we get excited over  new episodes of American Pickers or Salvage Dawgs...or even Antiques Roadshow.

We love our stuff, but once it loses its newness many are quick to toss it.  Thankfully some choose to donate. That's good for Goodwill and for my Goodwill hunting.

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