Wednesday, June 5, 2013


Even though the sound of it is something quite atrocious...superthrifting-frugalista-eBayalidocious!

Some of my eBay goodies
So as I continue to "thrift" (a now cool term for people like me who like to dig around thrift stores) I come upon some really wonderful items...that aren't my size. So I sez to myself, "Gee, I wonder what I could get for this on eBay?" And so now I am an eBay seller of purses, shoes, and other really cool stuff. At least I think it is. And when someone bids on one of my offerings, I feel strangely validated as if they are approving my taste in second hand apparel. If no one bids on something I've listed, well, I feel somewhat hurt. I've failed. But when there are multiple bidders, then I feel an eBay rush of adrenaline. Quite addicting.

I don't think I will become one of those mega eBay selling success stories... you know the one where I quit my real job because I'm making twice as much a month selling my fantastic thrifted items. The one where I also become a famous blogger who writes about being a famous eBay vendor. The one where I am a guest on the Ellen DeGeneres Show telling my awesome life story. No, I won't be eBayalidocious...but a girl can dream.