Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Just a Little Different

A rogue blossom on one of my azaleas has made me think about ways people try to break free of conformity. I think we all want to buck the system in one way or another - for my husband and I, it was our decision to home educate our children. Others try to blur gender boundaries. Some live off the grid. There are Republicans who do not watch Fox News and democrats who dislike tax hikes...very rogue indeed.

So here is one little flower doing its own thing and now I can't get its image out of my mind. Would the white azalea shrub be just as lovely without that pink rascal? Yes, but now it has an interesting imperfection which makes it more lovely, more memorable.

As I think through this metaphor I suppose the shrub could represent society and the pink flower represent the peculiar person.  Or the shrub could represent an individual and the oddball bloom represent the desire to be unique in some small way. Hmmm. Deep, no?

I think I need to ponder this a bit more. But first, I must cue music...

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